The story revolves around Ig Perrish, a 26-year-old who awakens from a black-out hangover to find horns sprouting from his head. If that weren’t enough, Ig has to contend with the unsolved murder of his girlfriend, a murder everyone thinks he committed. The horns do come with a blessing, of sort — they give him the power to make people admit things to him, and he sets out to investigate his sweetheart’s death and uncover the connection between the murder and his new dilemma.
LaBeouf will, of course, play Ig Perrish, a welcome departure for the ‘Transformers’ star, whose role in ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’ left much to be desired but whose turn as a crippled young man in Shekhar Kapur’s episode of ‘New York, I Love You,’ was fabulous.
Keith Bunin (‘In Treatment’) is adapting the book, which Hill, the son of Stephen King, optioned to Mandalay in October 2009 before the it was even published by William Morrow.